Uncovering the Benefits of a Pre-Operative Visit: Why It’s Crucial Before Surgery

Posted on: May 30, 2023


Before any surgical procedure, it is important for patients to attend a pre-operative visit. A pre-operative visit is an appointment with a healthcare provider prior to surgery. This appointment allows the patient and doctor to review all necessary information before the upcoming surgery. The Milwaukee Liposuction Specialty Clinic provides a multitude of different liposuction technologies under one roof and has been providing quality care to their patients since 1990.

At the pre-operative visit, there are several steps that must be taken in order to ensure that the patient is fully aware of the upcoming procedure and that they are in good health. During this appointment, the patient will sign consent forms and paperwork, take official “before” photos, meet with a nurse to prepare for the day of surgery, have necessary testing and bloodwork done, potentially schedule mammograms if over 40 years old, re-discuss the scheduled surgery and solidify the plan, have a history and physical to document health history, and make payment at time of pre-operative visit.

The importance of attending a pre-operative visit prior to any type of surgery cannot be understated. It is vital that patients understand what will occur during this appointment as it can help alleviate any anxiety or fear associated with upcoming procedures. The milwaukee liposuction specialty clinic strives to provide quality care for all their patients by ensuring that each step of their surgical process is completed thoroughly and correctly.

Benefits of Pre-Operative Visit

The Milwaukee Liposuction Specialty Clinic provides a multitude of different liposuction technologies under one roof. Before any procedure, it is important to understand the importance of a pre-operative visit and why it is necessary before surgery. A pre-operative visit is an appointment with a medical professional prior to surgery. This visit is used to discuss the upcoming procedure, obtain consent forms, and complete any necessary testing or paperwork.

Signing Consent Forms and Paperwork

During the pre-operative visit, patients will sign all consent forms for the procedure they are about to undergo. This includes discussing the risks associated with the procedure as well as any potential complications that could occur during or after surgery. The patient’s health history will also be discussed in detail, and any questions or concerns should be addressed at this time.

Official “Before” Photos

In addition to signing paperwork, official “before” photos may also be taken during this visit. This allows for comparison between the patient’s appearance before and after surgery. These photos are strictly confidential and only seen by the doctor and staff involved in the case.

Meeting with Nurse and Preparing for Day of Surgery

Patients will also meet with a nurse who will go over what to expect on the day of surgery. They will provide instructions on how to prepare for surgery such as what medications can be taken leading up to it, when to stop eating or drinking prior to surgery, and other helpful information that will ensure a successful outcome.

Necessary Testing and Bloodwork

Testing may also be done at this time such as blood work or an electrocardiogram (EKG). This helps doctors determine if there are any underlying health conditions that could increase risk during or after surgery. Any abnormalities found in these tests may require further investigation or delay the procedure until they can be addressed properly.

Mammograms for Women Over 40

For women over 40 years old, mammograms may also be recommended prior to undergoing certain procedures such as breast augmentation or mastopexy (breast lift). This helps doctors know if there are any signs of cancer present that should be addressed before proceeding with cosmetic procedures.

Re-Discussing Scheduled Surgery and Solidifying Plan

At this time, doctors will re-discuss details regarding the scheduled procedure so that everyone is on the same page and understands exactly what is going to happen during surgery. Any last minute questions or concerns should be addressed at this time so that everything is clear before moving forward with treatment plans.

History and Physical To Document Health History

A history and physical exam will also take place at this time in order to document health history prior to undergoing any surgical procedures. This helps doctors better understand their patient’s overall health condition so they can provide more tailored care throughout treatment plans.

Payment Expected At Time Of Pre-Operative Visit

Lastly, payment for services rendered during the pre-operative visit is expected at this time unless other arrangements have been made beforehand with staff members at Milwaukee Liposuction Specialty Clinic located at 200 S Executive Dr #101 Brookfield, WI. It is important for patients to understand all costs associated with their procedure prior to scheduling their pre-operative visit so there are no surprises upon arrival for payment due at check out.

By understanding all aspects of a pre-operative visit before undergoing any type of surgical procedure, patients can feel more confident in their decision making process. Knowing what to expect, being aware of all risks associated, having all paperwork signed, obtaining necessary testing, reviewing payment options, and having official photos taken are just some of the many benefits of scheduling a pre – operative visit. Additionally, women over 40 years old should consider getting mammograms done prior to undergoing breast augmentation or mastopexy in order stay informed about their health status. For more information on recommended mammogram screenings, please refer to American Breast Cancer website.

Benefits of Pre-Operative Visit
Signing consent forms and paperwork
Official “before” photos taken
Meeting with nurse and preparing for day of surgery
Necessary testing and bloodwork
Mammograms for women over 40
Re-discussing scheduled surgery and solidifying plan
History and physical to document health history


The Milwaukee Liposuction Specialty Clinic, located at 200 S Executive Dr #101 Brookfield, WI, provides a multitude of different liposuction technologies under one roof. We understand the importance of a pre-operative visit prior to any surgical procedure and strive to ensure our patients are well informed and prepared for their surgery day.

A pre-operative visit is an important step in the process of preparing for surgery. During the visit, the patient will sign consent forms and paperwork, have official “before” photos taken, meet with a nurse to prepare for the day of surgery, have necessary testing and bloodwork done, receive mammograms if over 40 years old, re-discuss the scheduled surgery and solidify plan, have a history and physical done to document health history, as well as make payment.

We want our patients to feel secure in knowing that they have taken all necessary steps prior to undergoing surgery. Therefore we highly recommend that all patients take advantage of this opportunity to ensure they are fully prepared for their procedure. Additionally, we recommend that women over 40 years old visit american breast cancer website for their recommended scheduled mammograms.