Uncovering the Recovery Time for Breast Augmentation

Posted on: August 18, 2023

Plastic surgery is a major medical procedure that can have significant long-term effects on the body and mind. It is important to be informed and prepared before, during, and after the surgery process. This guide will provide you with an overview of what to expect in each stage of the plastic surgery journey, from pre-surgery preparations to post-surgery recovery. You will also learn how to choose a qualified plastic surgeon and connect with helpful resources for patients.

It is important to remember that everyone’s experience is unique and different, so this guide should serve as a general reference only. It is best to consult your doctor or healthcare provider for further advice about any particular concerns or questions you may have regarding your own personal plastic surgery journey.


Before undergoing any plastic surgery, it is important to understand the risks and benefits of the procedure. Every patient should consult with a qualified plastic surgeon to discuss their individual needs, goals, and expectations. During this consultation, the surgeon will provide an overview of the procedure, answer questions, and discuss all possible options.

The patient should also be informed about potential side effects and complications associated with the chosen procedure. It is important to follow all pre-operative instructions given by the surgeon in order to reduce risk and ensure a successful outcome.

Medical Evaluation

Prior to surgery, most surgeons require that patients undergo a medical evaluation. This may include laboratory tests such as blood work or an electrocardiogram (ECG). The medical evaluation helps identify any conditions that may increase surgical risk or interfere with healing. It is important for patients to disclose any medications they are taking or any allergies they have prior to their evaluation.

Pre-Surgical Instructions

Depending on the type of procedure being performed, patients may need to take certain steps before surgery. These may include:

  • Stop smoking at least two weeks before surgery;
  • Avoid taking certain medications such as aspirin or ibuprofen;
  • Refrain from eating or drinking anything after midnight on the day of surgery;
  • Arrange for someone to drive them home after surgery;
  • Wear loose clothing on the day of surgery;

Additionally, some procedures require that patients start taking antibiotics prior to surgery in order to reduce infection risk. Patients should follow all instructions provided by their surgeon in order to ensure a safe and successful procedure.

Pre-surgery evaluation and instructions are important to ensure a safe and successful outcome. Consultation with plastic surgeon
, medical evaluation, stop smoking, avoid certain medications, refrain from eating/drinking before surgery, arrange for transport home.

Post-Surgery: 24 Hours to 7 Days

The first few days after plastic surgery are the most important for a successful recovery. During this time, it is essential that patients take proper precautions to ensure they heal properly and avoid any potential complications.

Day 1: 24 Hours After Surgery

Immediately following surgery, patients should rest and elevate their head with several pillows. This will help reduce swelling and discomfort. Patients may also be given a compression garment or bandage to wear to reduce swelling and support the area where surgery was performed. It is important that patients follow their doctor’s instructions regarding when to remove the garment or bandage and how often to change it.

Patients should also avoid activities that require straining or bending over during this time period, as these can increase the risk of bleeding and other complications. Additionally, patients should not take aspirin or ibuprofen as these can interfere with clotting factors in the blood and increase the risk of excessive bleeding.

Days 2-7: 48 Hours to One Week After Surgery

During this time period, patients should continue to rest and elevate their head with several pillows. Patients may also need to apply cold compresses or ice packs intermittently throughout the day in order to reduce swelling. Additionally, patients should continue wearing their compression garment or bandage as instructed by their doctor.

It is important for patients to monitor their incision sites for signs of infection such as redness, swelling, pain, drainage, or foul odor. If any of these signs are present, it is important that they contact their doctor immediately as this could be an indication of infection which can lead to serious complications if not treated promptly.

Patients may also begin taking short walks around the house during this time period in order to prevent stiffness from setting in. However, it is important that they do not engage in strenuous activity until cleared by their doctor at their follow-up appointment.

Finally, patients should continue avoiding activities such as lifting heavy objects and engaging in sports or exercise until cleared by their doctor at their follow-up appointment. It is also important that they follow all postoperative instructions provided by their doctor regarding wound care, medications, diet restrictions, etc., in order to ensure a successful recovery process.

Time Period
24 Hours After Surgery
Rest & Elevate Head with Pillows
Avoid Straining & Bending Over; No Aspirin or Ibuprofen
48 Hours to 1 Week After Surgery
Rest, Elevate Head, Apply Cold Compresses/Ice Packs, Wear Compression Garment/Bandage as Instructed by Doctor
Monitor Incision Sites for Signs of Infection; Take Short Walks Around House; Avoid Strenuous Activity & Lifting Heavy Objects Until Cleared by Doctor at Follow-Up Appointment; Follow Postoperative Instructions from Doctor

Post-Surgery: 4 to 6 Weeks

At this stage of the recovery process, patients should be able to resume normal daily activities. However, they should still take extra precautions to ensure proper healing and avoid any risk of complications.

Follow-Up Appointments

Patients should attend their follow-up appointments as scheduled by their surgeon. During these visits, the surgeon will examine the patient’s incision sites and check for signs of infection or other issues. The surgeon may also provide instructions on how to care for the incisions and when it is safe to resume physical activity or exercise.


The patient’s scars may still be red and raised at this point. This is normal and will eventually fade over time. The patient can help reduce the visibility of their scars by following their surgeon’s instructions for proper wound care and avoiding sun exposure.

Activity Restrictions

Patients should continue to limit strenuous activities such as heavy lifting or running until their surgeon gives them the go-ahead. It is important that patients listen to their bodies and take breaks when needed in order to prevent any further complications or delay in healing.


The patient should continue taking any medications prescribed by their doctor during this period of recovery. They should also make sure that they are drinking plenty of fluids to stay hydrated and avoid constipation, which can be a side effect of certain medications.


It is important that patients eat a healthy diet while recovering from plastic surgery in order to give their body the energy it needs for healing. A balanced diet containing lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products can help promote optimal health during recovery.

Overall, following these guidelines during the 4-6 week post-surgery period will help ensure that patients heal properly from plastic surgery and avoid any potential risks or complications associated with it.

Follow-up Appointments
Attend scheduled appointments with surgeon for examination and instructions
Scars may be red and raised, but will fade over time; reduce visibility by following wound care instructions and avoiding sun exposure
Activity Restrictions
Limit strenuous activities such as heavy lifting or running until surgeon gives go-ahead; listen to body and take breaks when needed
Continue taking any medications prescribed by doctor; drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated and avoid constipation
Eat healthy diet containing lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products to promote optimal health during recovery

Choosing a Plastic Surgeon

When considering plastic surgery, it is important to choose a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon. The best way to make sure you are selecting the right doctor for your procedure is to do some research. Ask your primary care physician or friends and family members for recommendations, read reviews online, and check out the credentials of potential surgeons.

It is essential to meet with your chosen plastic surgeon before scheduling any procedures. During this consultation, ask questions about their qualifications, experience, and safety record. You should also inquire about any risks associated with the procedure and what kind of aftercare you can expect. Ask to see before-and-after pictures of patients who have had similar procedures done by the surgeon.

Make sure that you feel comfortable with your chosen plastic surgeon before proceeding with the procedure – they should be willing to answer all of your questions in detail and provide reassurance that they are qualified to perform the operation safely. It is also important to remember that not all plastic surgery procedures are created equal; some may require more specialized care than others. Be sure to discuss these differences with your surgeon so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not a particular procedure is right for you.

Research and consultation are essential when choosing a qualified plastic surgeon
. Ask for recommendations, reviews, credentials, and pictures of patients with similar procedures.